Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Oh Those Tires

Three boys were in the backseat of my car the other night. Two were eight and one was nine. Truth be told, the back seat is always magic. One of the boys commented to the others that the car had such a smooth ride and he wondered why.

My eight year old said "It's because of the tires." He added with a proud lilt to his voice "They're Michelin." The other boys went "Ohhh!" as though that explained it all.

The reason our son knew to say this is because of our other car. It came stock with non Michelin tires. We recently changed them over to the good stuff and he noticed such a great difference in the ride he asked what had happened. Thus the education was given about buying the best quality tire and reaping the rewards of the expense. Great ride, long life and great traction and handling.

There are somes things you just shouldn't skimp on and we feel that tires are one of them. Toot, Toot!!!

Monday, August 2, 2010

She's been screwed...again

One of our customers has had four nails or screws in each of her tires and on four separate occasions. Feeling the possibility of some karma here, we wrote a little ditty for her to banish those pesky demons. We hope you enjoy it.

You've had a nail problem
Not just one or just two
Oh these pointed amulets
They have seemed to love you.

She's been plugged
And even patched
On four out of four
Which is just simply whacked.

The karma of nails
And screws made of metal
Is hereby cleared
Since this last trip to the hospital.

So ride out into
The wild, blue yonder
Have no fear
No need to ponder.

Why she's been screwed
So many times.
We live in LA
Which in itself is sublime.


The Carchick Crew

Thursday, July 29, 2010


So Summer is here, the kids are out of school and it is time for a road trip. But is you car ready for one? That is the question of the day.

Here are some tips before you head out to the wild , blue yonder.

1. Make an appointment to have your Carchick or Cardude have a look see at your baby.

2. Inform them that you are going on a road trip. This will put an emotional note in their head to look for any possible problems. They should be checking these things:

a. The condition of all the fluids, belts, hoses, filters and wiper blades.

b. The condition of the tire tread, wear and air pressure. Ask them to check your spare tire as it is often overlooked.

c. Check for leaks, possible decayed rubber components, etc.

d. Ask them to check the battery and alternator, or charging system. Batteries tend to fail more readily in extreme heat or cold conditions, so check it out before you leave.

e. Tires, tires and more tires. The rubber gets pretty hot when the wheels turn on hot asphalt for extended periods of time. It is important that the air pressure is correct, that there is plenty of tread left on the tire and that there are no small cracks called dry rot.

3. Load up time. Here is a list of things that might be good to have with you:

a. Drinking water and snacks

b. The right kind of clothes. Include a jacket and an extra pair of underwear (that is because my Grandmother always said to be sure and have clean underwear).

c. Travelers checks and cash.

d. Some type of roadside assistance program.

e. Maps and games for the kids.

Now go out and have a good time. Beep, Beep!!!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Funny Ad

Saw this at the end of an add or Craigslist. This may be our new outgoing message for the shop:

"My Karmic terms: :)
* No crazy people please (if you have to stop & think about that...you're crazy, don't call)
* Cash only & first come first serve
* All attempts at fraud will be reported to the FTC, ISP or appropriate agency.
* Don't call if you are not local, mining for data or for surveys.
* Do not send Spam or call to offer a “exciting new business opportunity”, do not call to “ask us what we're wearing” or for anything other than questions or meeting up."

All I can say is "Classic!!!"

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Find the One You Gel With

We received a call from our customer Carly. She was having battery issues. Her male neighbor told her to go get a battery from the local parts store. She said "Who needs them? I've got Rebekah." Well, that made us feel all warm and fuzzy of course. She continued "She takes care of my car." He said "Maybe I should have her look at mine." She retorted back "Well, you'd be an idiot if you didn't go to her."

While we dislike calling people names, we couldn't be wearing a bigger smile on our faces this day. Honor, loyalty and integrity...with a little humor always makes us smile.

Do you have this kind of relationship with your doctor, banker, mechanic? One that makes you feel comforted and safe? It seems that it should be our goal in life to find those of a like mind. That we should be giving advice that is specific to and for our customers, our friends, our loved ones.

We can all add our own spice to the mix, infuse it with integrity, knowledge, faith and love. Perhaps we can all make a beautiful souffle for the dinner table called life. Toot, toot!!!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Get Your Swirl Valve Fixed

The check engine light comes on. What do you do?

1. Stop the car and cry?

2. Stop at a good coffee shop, grab a latte and then cry?

3. Drive to work and ignore it?

4. Call the Carchicks...well maybe grab a latte first. We understand.

The answer should be number 4.

So your vehicle is screaming with the check engine light on. Okay, it is not really screaming, but it can seem a bit passive aggressive because it is glaring at you all the time the car is on. We hook up the scanner (a tool that retrieves the data stored in the computer brain of your vehicle) and see that the code is P1138 "Swirl Control Valve." Who ever heard of a swirl control valve? It still amazes us, the words that are used in our business. Here is what that means.

The swirl control valve has a valve portion in the intake passage of each cylinder. When idling and during low engine coolant temperature, the swirl control valve closes, making the speed of air in the intake passage increase, which helps with the vaporization of the fuel and producing a "swirl" in the combustion chamber.

Because of this, the system tends to increase the burning speed of the fuel mixture, which improves fuel comsumption, and increases the consistancy of running conditions.

You may still be saying "What?" It does get confusing when you start hearing things being explained in terms that don't fit your vocabulary. That is why a check engine or service light may not be the simplest thing to understand.

That is what good mechanics are for. To translate the language your vehicle is speaking to you. Sometimes it is easy, sometimes not. But we feel the fun part is figuring it all out and making her and you feel all better. Toot, toot!!

Friday, July 2, 2010

We are helping to promote our customer and friend with his project!!! Chris is a great guy. A wonderful father, coach and actor. This is a short film that he wrote. It is from his heart and that is all we had to hear to offer our help!!! Give it if you've got it. Share it with the ones you love. Have fun with it. We will keep you updated.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Sitting Quietly

I had a customer tell me a joke today. 'Have you heard of the two women sitting together quietly?' Knowing it was a joke I said no. 'Neither has anyone else.' It made me laugh.

I began to think of the the times that I have sat with a girlfriend, quietly listening to the sounds of the world around us. Some of those times contained joy, but most were solemn moments. Time to shed some sadness and refill our buckets of life with peace.

I am not sure about you, but I do this in my car a lot. I turn off the radio and listen to what my automotive friend is telling me. Does she have some new squeaks or whistles or groans? Is it just age or does she need a visit to the doctor stat?

I do this particularly if the road is wet. You can hear so much more about the suspension, tires and brakes at this time. The sounds reverberate differently. It is another opportunity to listen to her voice...and what she might be warning me of.

Thanks for talking girlfriend and keeping me moving safely down the road of life.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

China's Booming Car Market

Reading the paper these days can be a bit depressing. Somtimes though, you just have to giggle about the underlying tone of an article.

I was reading one today about the rise in new car purchase in some major cities of China. This particular one was talking about a dealership in Bejing specifically. It started out like most business articles do. Facts and figures about the rise in sales of foreign cars and how some companies are seeing a better bottom line.

The numbers were an insight as to the simple mass of humans that live in that region. Albeit a 1.3 billion person populous, they just don't buy cars like others in the world. Only 3.5% own cars in China. Now compare that to 10% in Brazil and almost 44% in the U.S. Well now, that is still 35 Million cars owned in China. 'Nuff said.

The continued tone of the reporters humor became ever clear to me. The writer must have been laughing at the assignment.

More than car sales, this is a nation of new driver's, the reporter states. This nation is known for thier accidents. The largest dealership in Bejing has build a body shop that can handle 1200 cars per month. I assume that the premise is that Chinese drivers are going to need to use the body shop, thus improving the dealership's bottom line.

Well "Confucius Say: A single fact can ruin a good argument." There was another article that states that 'Women and Gay men are the worst drivers in the world.' But that is another story altogether. Here is the link if you would like a giggle. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/1574402/Women-and-gay-men-are-worst-drivers.html

All I can say is that as we enter an even larger world market we must still remember that we live in a smaller community...where everything is real for us. Drive safely Carchicks and Cardudes. Beep, Beeep.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The cars broke and it don't talk back!!!

Well, that isn't exactly true is it now? When your baby decides to STOP working she will normally leave clues as to why she is being temperamental. You just may not be speaking her language. Perhaps we can help with some therapy to get you both on the same page.

We are all adjusting in this world...at every turn it seems. Your car is doing the same thing. Just like our own brain, the vehicle has certain pathways to it's brain box. Signals are sent from the many sensors mounted in various systems to the PCM (Power Control Module) or brain box.

The brain uses it's programming to determine what signal to send back to adjust. The process is happening over and over again once the vehicle is turned on.

If you are a person who is looking inward to create a better you then this may seem a familiar pattern because it is. The brain in the vehicle and ourselves tell the other parts what to do. It is rather a bossy device. It is controlling and stubborn. It just does what it does and cannot be stopped.

If the programming gets messed up then the brain may not know how to send the signals to the other parts. In the end this causes a breakdown. In some cases the parts are broken and cannot receive the proper signals. They have gone deaf or dumb. They have fallen and cannot get up.

That is where a good mechanic/therapist can help. The goal is to determine if there is a part that is broken or if the brain needs a reboot. There is no need to feel like you are left out of the process. We can work together to understand the symptoms which helps us determine the cause of the breakdown. We can replace the broken parts, reboot the computer and try again. We take her for a test drive. We can give advice about changing some habits to help this from occurring again. Hopefully we are all done and send you on your way.

The Carchicks send you out with a hug and a pat on the back. That's just what we do to keep the communications open...and filled with hope.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Automotive Air Conditioning

In our little automobiles we can savor the same levels of bliss that we are allowed at home and at work. It may be 100 degrees outside but do not fear. The automotive air conditioning system is here.

The interesting thing is that A/C (Air Conditioning) systems in automobiles have been around since the 1940’s. It was then simplistic. Now it is a monolith. Sensors, brain boxes, hoses, pumps, accumulators, evaporators and vents. Plus all the buttons you need to push on your dash just to turn it on.

They call it a “climate control system”. This has always made me giggle. I mean can we really control anything completely after all?

The cool part, pardon the pun, are the leaps in technology that we are seeing now. The newest progressing system is called “Thermoelectrics”. It makes me think of the film ‘2010 Space Odyssey’ and good ‘ole Hal.

Basically, it takes between 3,500 – 4,500 watts of power to operate a conventional automotive A/C system. With “Thermoelectric” it will only require around 630 watts of power to run the same or better cooling environment. It also uses heat from the exhaust of the engine to help in this process.

You may be asking “What the heck does that mean?” It is recycling at its best. A greener light at the end of the tunnel. It means that less power will be asked from the engine. This will decrease elevated fuel consumption levels that occur with the old style system. It reuses heat already expended by the engine.

So the bullet points are:
∙ Greater fuel economy
∙ Heat already created by the engine is reused
∙ Less friction wear on components inside and outside the engine.

The money you will save with the new system you can use for your next oil change or brake job. Perhaps even a few lattes. Hey, some things just stay the same. For awhile anyway.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Famous Car Stuff

Being a carchick in the Los Angeles area has its rewards. We've had the opportunity to work on the cars of famous persons. We've worked on movie sets. I've even been invited to parties because I am a female mechanic. We've seen some of the most expensive cars ever made. We've had fun and mostly We've been blessed to be able to do what we love to do...everyday.

Hopefully we can pass on some knowledge about the mechanics of being an owner of a car. We look at it more like being a guardian or parent. Everything has a learning curve. Perhaps we can assist in making those curves less slippery when wet.