Three boys were in the backseat of my car the other night. Two were eight and one was nine. Truth be told, the back seat is always magic. One of the boys commented to the others that the car had such a smooth ride and he wondered why.
My eight year old said "It's because of the tires." He added with a proud lilt to his voice "They're Michelin." The other boys went "Ohhh!" as though that explained it all.
The reason our son knew to say this is because of our other car. It came stock with non Michelin tires. We recently changed them over to the good stuff and he noticed such a great difference in the ride he asked what had happened. Thus the education was given about buying the best quality tire and reaping the rewards of the expense. Great ride, long life and great traction and handling.
There are somes things you just shouldn't skimp on and we feel that tires are one of them. Toot, Toot!!!